An appeal supporting those impacted by this month’s Gippsland fires has been launched by a local fund.
The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund has already received three applications for assistance, according to president John Mitchell. Those applications have been approved and paid, but further applications are expected.
“We know there are people in our communities who need immediate help with practical things like clothing, food, furniture, bedding and fencing while insurance and government claims are being processed,” Mr Mitchell said in a media release.
“Gippsland and other communities, including businesses, have traditionally shown great generosity by donating to GERF both during and after emergency events.
“We’re hoping to once again see a great response, so that we can help locals get back on their feet.”
Donations can be made directly to the fund by sending a cheque or money order to Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund, PO Box 508 Traralgon VIC 3844.
Donations can also be made at any NAB branch in Australia, or in person at Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers, 40 Argyle Street, Traralgon.
“Those who’d like to donate at an NAB bank branch will simply need to let the teller know they wish to make a donation to the Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund,” Mr Mitchell said.
“All donations over $2 are tax deductible, so it’s important to provide the NAB teller with your name and address so that GERF can mail you a receipt.”
The GERF advises locals affected by the fires to “contact their local council municipal recovery manager, who will assess the applicant’s situation and then make a referral to GERF where applicable.