fpress.com.au is home to the Baw Baw Citizen, South East Free Press, and Casey & Cardinia Free Press newspapers.
Baw Baw Citizen
Baw Baw Citizen started publishing as The Warragul Citizen in June 2011. Owned and edited by William PJ Kulich, the paper has provided a stong independent and modern voice for the Baw Baw region in print and online.
South East Free Press
South East Free Press covers Melbourne, Victoria, and Australia online. The title started publishing online in July 2016 and is still in development.
Casey & Cardinia Free Press
Casey & Cardinia Free Press printed its first edition in July 2017. The successor to online-only The Pakenham Citizen, the paper extends the Baw Baw Citizen’s unique feature content into the Casey and Cardinia regions.
Both the Baw Baw Citizen, South East Free Press, and Casey & Cardinia Free Press are independent of other media organisations and publications and are published by William Peter Jagot Kulich.